Inscription Profession Profit Calculator

All Northrend recipes calculated based on EU prices

Scroll of Stamina VII
2x Light Parchment 0g 1s 0c
1x Ink of the Sea 6g 96s 0c
-7g -94s 0c
Scroll of Stamina VIII
2x Light Parchment 0g 1s 0c
1x Ink of the Sea 6g 96s 0c
-7g -53s 0c
Scroll of Intellect VII
2x Light Parchment 0g 1s 0c
1x Ink of the Sea 6g 96s 0c
-7g -95s 0c
Scroll of Intellect VIII
2x Light Parchment 0g 1s 0c
1x Ink of the Sea 6g 96s 0c
-7g -1s 0c
Scroll of Versatility VII
2x Light Parchment 0g 1s 0c
1x Ink of the Sea 6g 96s 0c
-7g -83s 0c
Scroll of Versatility VIII
2x Light Parchment 0g 1s 0c
1x Ink of the Sea 6g 96s 0c
-6g -86s 0c
Scroll of Strength VII
2x Light Parchment 0g 1s 0c
1x Ink of the Sea 6g 96s 0c
-7g -93s 0c
Scroll of Strength VIII
2x Light Parchment 0g 1s 0c
1x Ink of the Sea 6g 96s 0c
-7g -24s 0c
Scroll of Agility VII
2x Light Parchment 0g 1s 0c
1x Ink of the Sea 6g 96s 0c
-7g -95s 0c
Scroll of Agility VIII
2x Light Parchment 0g 1s 0c
1x Ink of the Sea 6g 96s 0c
-7g -35s 0c
Scroll of Recall III
1x Light Parchment 0g 1s 0c
1x Ink of the Sea 6g 96s 0c
-6g -98s 0c
Runescroll of Fortitude
5x Light Parchment 0g 1s 0c
1x Snowfall Ink 23g 89s 0c
4876g 11s 0c
Research: Ink of the Sea
3x Light Parchment 0g 1s 0c
3x Ink of the Sea 6g 96s 0c
Ink of the Sea
2x Azure Pigment 3g 83s 0c
-1g -70s 0c
Snowfall Ink
2x Icy Pigment 11g 0s 0c
1g 89s 0c
Glyph of the Orca
1x Light Parchment 0g 1s 0c
3x Ink of the Sea 6g 96s 0c
23g 84s 0c
Glyph of Fighting Pose
1x Light Parchment 0g 1s 0c
3x Ink of the Sea 6g 96s 0c
-2g -15s 0c
Glyph of Honor
1x Light Parchment 0g 1s 0c
3x Ink of the Sea 6g 96s 0c
-6g -9s 0c
Glyph of Angels
1x Light Parchment 0g 1s 0c
3x Ink of the Sea 6g 96s 0c
8g 14s 0c
Glyph of Dalaran Brilliance
1x Light Parchment 0g 1s 0c
3x Ink of the Sea 6g 96s 0c
23g 64s 0c
Darkmoon Card of the North
1x Light Parchment 0g 1s 0c
6x Snowfall Ink 23g 89s 0c
Master's Inscription of the Axe
Master's Inscription of the Pinnacle
Master's Inscription of the Storm
Master's Inscription of the Crag
Iron-bound Tome
10x Light Parchment 0g 1s 0c
5x Snowfall Ink 23g 89s 0c
80g 45s 0c
Faces of Doom
10x Light Parchment 0g 1s 0c
5x Snowfall Ink 23g 89s 0c
186g 1s 0c
Rituals of the New Moon
10x Light Parchment 0g 1s 0c
5x Ink of the Sea 6g 96s 0c
Twilight Tome
10x Light Parchment 0g 1s 0c
5x Ink of the Sea 6g 96s 0c
45g 19s 0c
Northrend Milling