Alchemy Profession Profit Calculator

All Cataclysm recipes calculated based on EU prices

Deathblood Venom
2x Stormvine 4g 0s 0c
-5g -4s 0c
Earthen Potion
2x Stormvine 4g 0s 0c
-8g -29s 0c
Golemblood Potion
1x Volatile Life 17g 80s 0c
1x Heartblossom 9g 78s 0c
1x Crystal Vial 0g 1s 0c
-26g -64s 0c
Mighty Rejuvenation Potion
2x Whiptail 5g 66s 0c
1x Volatile Life 17g 80s 0c
1x Crystal Vial 0g 1s 0c
-29g -45s 0c
Mysterious Potion
2x Deepstone Oil 70g 0s 0c
-137g -12s 0c
Mythical Healing Potion
0g 87s 0c
Mythical Mana Potion
1x Cinderbloom 3g 77s 0c
1x Whiptail 5g 66s 0c
1x Crystal Vial 0g 1s 0c
-9g -54s 0c
Potion of Concentration
2x Azshara's Veil 13g 15s 0c
-26g -34s 0c
Potion of Deepholm
5x Heartblossom 9g 78s 0c
41g 5s 0c
Potion of Illusion
3x Volatile Life 17g 80s 0c
1x Azshara's Veil 13g 15s 0c
-8g -55s 0c
Potion of the Tol'vir
1x Stormvine 4g 0s 0c
1x Whiptail 5g 66s 0c
1x Crystal Vial 0g 1s 0c
-2g -87s 0c
Potion of Treasure Finding
8x Cinderbloom 3g 77s 0c
4x Stormvine 4g 0s 0c
6x Heartblossom 9g 78s 0c
4x Whiptail 5g 66s 0c
1x Crystal Vial 0g 1s 0c
45g 50s 0c
Volcanic Potion
1x Cinderbloom 3g 77s 0c
1x Azshara's Veil 13g 15s 0c
1x Crystal Vial 0g 1s 0c
-13g -8s 0c
Draught of War
1x Cinderbloom 3g 77s 0c
-4g -13s 0c
Deepstone Oil
1x Albino Cavefish 35g 90s 0c
34g 10s 0c
Elixir of Deep Earth
2x Heartblossom 9g 78s 0c
-19g -56s 0c
Elixir of Impossible Accuracy
1x Cinderbloom 3g 77s 0c
1x Heartblossom 9g 78s 0c
1x Crystal Vial 0g 1s 0c
-7g -36s 0c
Elixir of Mighty Speed
1x Stormvine 4g 0s 0c
1x Twilight Jasmine 4g 10s 0c
1x Crystal Vial 0g 1s 0c
5g 69s 0c
Elixir of the Cobra
1x Azshara's Veil 13g 15s 0c
1x Cinderbloom 3g 77s 0c
1x Crystal Vial 0g 1s 0c
-14g -43s 0c
Elixir of the Master
1x Twilight Jasmine 4g 10s 0c
1x Heartblossom 9g 78s 0c
1x Crystal Vial 0g 1s 0c
-8g -77s 0c
Elixir of the Naga
1x Stormvine 4g 0s 0c
1x Azshara's Veil 13g 15s 0c
1x Crystal Vial 0g 1s 0c
-13g -26s 0c
Ghost Elixir
2x Cinderbloom 3g 77s 0c
41g 46s 0c
Prismatic Elixir
1x Cinderbloom 3g 77s 0c
1x Whiptail 5g 66s 0c
1x Crystal Vial 0g 1s 0c
-6g -44s 0c
Flask of Steelskin
8x Volatile Life 17g 80s 0c
8x Cinderbloom 3g 77s 0c
8x Twilight Jasmine 4g 10s 0c
1x Crystal Vial 0g 1s 0c
-205g -37s 0c
Flask of the Draconic Mind
8x Volatile Life 17g 80s 0c
8x Azshara's Veil 13g 15s 0c
8x Twilight Jasmine 4g 10s 0c
1x Crystal Vial 0g 1s 0c
-263g -11s 0c
Flask of the Winds
8x Volatile Life 17g 80s 0c
8x Azshara's Veil 13g 15s 0c
8x Whiptail 5g 66s 0c
1x Crystal Vial 0g 1s 0c
76g 11s 0c
Flask of Titanic Strength
8x Volatile Life 17g 80s 0c
8x Cinderbloom 3g 77s 0c
8x Whiptail 5g 66s 0c
1x Crystal Vial 0g 1s 0c
17g 15s 0c
Flask of Flowing Water
8x Volatile Life 17g 80s 0c
8x Stormvine 4g 0s 0c
8x Heartblossom 9g 78s 0c
1x Crystal Vial 0g 1s 0c
-224g -90s 0c
Lifebound Alchemist Stone
50x Volatile Life 17g 80s 0c
12x Cinderbloom 3g 77s 0c
12x Azshara's Veil 13g 15s 0c
12x Heartblossom 9g 78s 0c
Quicksilver Alchemist Stone
50x Volatile Life 17g 80s 0c
24x Cinderbloom 3g 77s 0c
Vibrant Alchemist Stone
50x Volatile Life 17g 80s 0c
8x Cinderbloom 3g 77s 0c
20x Azshara's Veil 13g 15s 0c
8x Heartblossom 9g 78s 0c
Volatile Alchemist Stone
50x Volatile Life 17g 80s 0c
12x Cinderbloom 3g 77s 0c
Transmute: Amberjewel
3x Alicite 15g 30s 0c
3x Whiptail 5g 66s 0c
-49g -88s 0c
Transmute: Demonseye
3x Nightstone 62g 0s 0c
3x Twilight Jasmine 4g 10s 0c
-184g -30s 0c
Transmute: Dream Emerald
3x Jasper 13g 64s 0c
3x Stormvine 4g 0s 0c
-42g -92s 0c
Transmute: Ember Topaz
3x Hessonite 95g 0s 0c
3x Cinderbloom 3g 77s 0c
-280g -81s 0c
Transmute: Inferno Ruby
3x Carnelian 18g 50s 0c
3x Heartblossom 9g 78s 0c
9g 16s 0c
Transmute: Truegold
3x Pyrium Bar 16g 0s 0c
10x Volatile Fire 19g 42s 0c
10x Volatile Air 15g 0s 0c
10x Volatile Water 33g 0s 0c
-62g -60s 0c
Transmute: Living Elements
15x Volatile Life 17g 80s 0c
Transmute: Ocean Sapphire
3x Zephyrite 11g 98s 0c
3x Azshara's Veil 13g 15s 0c
-51g -83s 0c
Transmute: Pyrium Bar
1x Elementium Bar 22g 80s 0c
1x Volatile Earth 3g 48s 0c
-11g -28s 0c
Transmute: Shadowspirit Diamond
3x Alicite 15g 30s 0c
3x Nightstone 62g 0s 0c
3x Zephyrite 11g 98s 0c
3x Carnelian 18g 50s 0c
3x Hessonite 95g 0s 0c
3x Jasper 13g 64s 0c
-560g -26s 0c
Cauldron of Battle
1x Flask of Steelskin 1g 0s 0c
1x Flask of the Draconic Mind 18g 30s 0c
1x Flask of the Winds 369g 0s 0c
1x Flask of Titanic Strength 235g 0s 0c
8x Deathblood Venom 3g 96s 0c
Big Cauldron of Battle
3x Flask of Steelskin 1g 0s 0c
3x Flask of the Draconic Mind 18g 30s 0c
3x Flask of the Winds 369g 0s 0c
3x Flask of Titanic Strength 235g 0s 0c
Vial of the Sands
1x Pyrium-Laced Crystalline Vial 4650g 0s 0c
8x Sands of Time 2699g 99s 0c
12x Truegold 660g 60s 0c
8x Flask of the Winds 369g 0s 0c
8x Flask of Titanic Strength 235g 0s 0c
8x Deepstone Oil 70g 0s 0c
-3570g -12s 0c