Jewelcrafting Profession Profit Calculator

All Cataclysm recipes calculated based on US prices

Bold Carnelian
1x Carnelian 9g 0s 0c
11g 82s 0c
Delicate Carnelian
1x Carnelian 9g 0s 0c
-4g -59s 0c
Flashing Carnelian
1x Carnelian 9g 0s 0c
42g 44s 0c
Brilliant Carnelian
1x Carnelian 9g 0s 0c
18g 0s 0c
Precise Carnelian
1x Carnelian 9g 0s 0c
-6g -1s 0c
Bold Inferno Ruby
1x Inferno Ruby 63g 94s 0c
65g 35s 0c
Delicate Inferno Ruby
1x Inferno Ruby 63g 94s 0c
129g 96s 0c
Flashing Inferno Ruby
1x Inferno Ruby 63g 94s 0c
154g 55s 0c
Brilliant Inferno Ruby
1x Inferno Ruby 63g 94s 0c
36g 6s 0c
Precise Inferno Ruby
1x Inferno Ruby 63g 94s 0c
14g 14s 0c
Bold Chimera's Eye
1x Chimera's Eye 549g 0s 0c
Brilliant Chimera's Eye
1x Chimera's Eye 549g 0s 0c
Delicate Chimera's Eye
1x Chimera's Eye 549g 0s 0c
Flashing Chimera's Eye
1x Chimera's Eye 549g 0s 0c
Precise Chimera's Eye
1x Chimera's Eye 549g 0s 0c
Delicate Queen's Garnet
1x Queen's Garnet 1885g 0s 0c
-141g -13s 0c
Precise Queen's Garnet
1x Queen's Garnet 1885g 0s 0c
109g 94s 0c
Brilliant Queen's Garnet
1x Queen's Garnet 1885g 0s 0c
-86g -2s 0c
Flashing Queen's Garnet
1x Queen's Garnet 1885g 0s 0c
-1484g -65s 0c
Bold Queen's Garnet
1x Queen's Garnet 1885g 0s 0c
8g 97s 0c
Solid Zephyrite
1x Zephyrite 14g 84s 0c
-5g -84s 0c
Sparkling Zephyrite
1x Zephyrite 14g 84s 0c
-12g -60s 0c
Stormy Zephyrite
1x Zephyrite 14g 84s 0c
-10g -84s 0c
Rigid Zephyrite
1x Zephyrite 14g 84s 0c
-14g -84s 0c
Solid Ocean Sapphire
1x Ocean Sapphire 22g 0s 0c
7g 5s 0c
Sparkling Ocean Sapphire
1x Ocean Sapphire 22g 0s 0c
1g 43s 0c
Stormy Ocean Sapphire
1x Ocean Sapphire 22g 0s 0c
78g 0s 0c
Rigid Ocean Sapphire
1x Ocean Sapphire 22g 0s 0c
228g 21s 0c
Rigid Chimera's Eye
1x Chimera's Eye 549g 0s 0c
Solid Chimera's Eye
1x Chimera's Eye 549g 0s 0c
Sparkling Chimera's Eye
1x Chimera's Eye 549g 0s 0c
Stormy Chimera's Eye
1x Chimera's Eye 549g 0s 0c
Rigid Deepholm Iolite
1x Deepholm Iolite 250g 95s 0c
248g 98s 0c
Stormy Deepholm Iolite
1x Deepholm Iolite 250g 95s 0c
147g 67s 0c
Sparkling Deepholm Iolite
1x Deepholm Iolite 250g 95s 0c
215g 17s 0c
Solid Deepholm Iolite
1x Deepholm Iolite 250g 95s 0c
349g 3s 0c
Subtle Alicite
1x Alicite 11g 0s 0c
11g 26s 0c
Smooth Alicite
1x Alicite 11g 0s 0c
-4g -15s 0c
Mystic Alicite
1x Alicite 11g 0s 0c
Quick Alicite
1x Alicite 11g 0s 0c
-1g -93s 0c
Fractured Alicite
1x Alicite 11g 0s 0c
-10g -2s 0c
Subtle Amberjewel
1x Amberjewel 14g 74s 0c
84g 67s 0c
Smooth Amberjewel
1x Amberjewel 14g 74s 0c
2g 76s 0c
Mystic Amberjewel
1x Amberjewel 14g 74s 0c
123g 86s 0c
Quick Amberjewel
1x Amberjewel 14g 74s 0c
32g 60s 0c
Fractured Amberjewel
1x Amberjewel 14g 74s 0c
18g 92s 0c
Fractured Chimera's Eye
1x Chimera's Eye 549g 0s 0c
Mystic Chimera's Eye
1x Chimera's Eye 549g 0s 0c
Quick Chimera's Eye
1x Chimera's Eye 549g 0s 0c
Smooth Chimera's Eye
1x Chimera's Eye 549g 0s 0c
Subtle Chimera's Eye
1x Chimera's Eye 549g 0s 0c
Smooth Lightstone
1x Lightstone 200g 0s 0c
149g 61s 0c
Subtle Lightstone
1x Lightstone 200g 0s 0c
1508g 92s 0c
Quick Lightstone
1x Lightstone 200g 0s 0c
147g 15s 0c
Fractured Lightstone
1x Lightstone 200g 0s 0c
338g 21s 0c
Mystic Lightstone
1x Lightstone 200g 0s 0c
1200g 59s 0c
Sovereign Nightstone
1x Nightstone 24g 50s 0c
-8g -25s 0c
Shifting Nightstone
1x Nightstone 24g 50s 0c
4g 49s 0c
Defender's Nightstone
1x Nightstone 24g 50s 0c
-10g 0s 0c
Timeless Nightstone
1x Nightstone 24g 50s 0c
-18g -12s 0c
Guardian's Nightstone
1x Nightstone 24g 50s 0c
59g 42s 0c
Purified Nightstone
1x Nightstone 24g 50s 0c
18g 32s 0c
Etched Nightstone
1x Nightstone 24g 50s 0c
-14g -95s 0c
Glinting Nightstone
1x Nightstone 24g 50s 0c
-20g -26s 0c
Retaliating Nightstone
1x Nightstone 24g 50s 0c
1g 96s 0c
Veiled Nightstone
1x Nightstone 24g 50s 0c
-10g -50s 0c
Accurate Nightstone
1x Nightstone 24g 50s 0c
-23g -75s 0c
Sovereign Demonseye
1x Demonseye 19g 80s 0c
178g 20s 0c
Shifting Demonseye
1x Demonseye 19g 80s 0c
46g 44s 0c
Defender's Demonseye
1x Demonseye 19g 80s 0c
-16g -83s 0c
Timeless Demonseye
1x Demonseye 19g 80s 0c
38g 3s 0c
Guardian's Demonseye
1x Demonseye 19g 80s 0c
78g 42s 0c
Purified Demonseye
1x Demonseye 19g 80s 0c
5g 46s 0c
Etched Demonseye
1x Demonseye 19g 80s 0c
93g 87s 0c
Glinting Demonseye
1x Demonseye 19g 80s 0c
-6g -15s 0c
Retaliating Demonseye
1x Demonseye 19g 80s 0c
-17g -52s 0c
Veiled Demonseye
1x Demonseye 19g 80s 0c
313g 20s 0c
Accurate Demonseye
1x Demonseye 19g 80s 0c
481g 9s 0c
Glinting Shadow Spinel
1x Shadow Spinel 57g 79s 0c
155g 64s 0c
Accurate Shadow Spinel
1x Shadow Spinel 57g 79s 0c
115g 18s 0c
Veiled Shadow Spinel
1x Shadow Spinel 57g 79s 0c
461g 30s 0c
Retaliating Shadow Spinel
1x Shadow Spinel 57g 79s 0c
130g 46s 0c
Etched Shadow Spinel
1x Shadow Spinel 57g 79s 0c
311g 26s 0c
Mysterious Shadow Spinel
1x Shadow Spinel 57g 79s 0c
102g 85s 0c
Purified Shadow Spinel
1x Shadow Spinel 57g 79s 0c
171g 17s 0c
Shifting Shadow Spinel
1x Shadow Spinel 57g 79s 0c
174g 72s 0c
Guardian's Shadow Spinel
1x Shadow Spinel 57g 79s 0c
68g 7s 0c
Timeless Shadow Spinel
1x Shadow Spinel 57g 79s 0c
520g 58s 0c
Defender's Shadow Spinel
1x Shadow Spinel 57g 79s 0c
-8g -29s 0c
Sovereign Shadow Spinel
1x Shadow Spinel 57g 79s 0c
Polished Hessonite
1x Hessonite 34g 50s 0c
-17g -80s 0c
Resolute Hessonite
1x Hessonite 34g 50s 0c
Inscribed Hessonite
1x Hessonite 34g 50s 0c
19g 95s 0c
Deadly Hessonite
1x Hessonite 34g 50s 0c
-33g -50s 0c
Potent Hessonite
1x Hessonite 34g 50s 0c
-28g -30s 0c
Fierce Hessonite
1x Hessonite 34g 50s 0c
355g 96s 0c
Deft Hessonite
1x Hessonite 34g 50s 0c
9g 8s 0c
Reckless Hessonite
1x Hessonite 34g 50s 0c
-32g -77s 0c
Skillful Hessonite
1x Hessonite 34g 50s 0c
-33g -1s 0c
Adept Hessonite
1x Hessonite 34g 50s 0c
-30g -51s 0c
Fine Hessonite
1x Hessonite 34g 50s 0c
56g 69s 0c
Artful Hessonite
1x Hessonite 34g 50s 0c
-25g -50s 0c
Keen Hessonite
1x Hessonite 34g 50s 0c
65g 50s 0c
Polished Ember Topaz
1x Ember Topaz 16g 49s 0c
-15g -45s 0c
Resolute Ember Topaz
1x Ember Topaz 16g 49s 0c
-11g -90s 0c
Inscribed Ember Topaz
1x Ember Topaz 16g 49s 0c
62g 51s 0c
Deadly Ember Topaz
1x Ember Topaz 16g 49s 0c
-9g -74s 0c
Potent Ember Topaz
1x Ember Topaz 16g 49s 0c
50g 83s 0c
Fierce Ember Topaz
1x Ember Topaz 16g 49s 0c
123g 24s 0c
Deft Ember Topaz
1x Ember Topaz 16g 49s 0c
-8g -59s 0c
Reckless Ember Topaz
1x Ember Topaz 16g 49s 0c
-16g -50s 0c
Skillful Ember Topaz
1x Ember Topaz 16g 49s 0c
299g 51s 0c
Adept Ember Topaz
1x Ember Topaz 16g 49s 0c
8g 51s 0c
Fine Ember Topaz
1x Ember Topaz 16g 49s 0c
-16g -25s 0c
Artful Ember Topaz
1x Ember Topaz 16g 49s 0c
25g 63s 0c
Keen Ember Topaz
1x Ember Topaz 16g 49s 0c
61g 51s 0c
Resplendent Ember Topaz
1x Ember Topaz 16g 49s 0c
72g 15s 0c
Lucent Ember Topaz
1x Ember Topaz 16g 49s 0c
-6g -60s 0c
Willful Ember Topaz
1x Ember Topaz 16g 49s 0c
-14g -20s 0c
Deadly Lava Coral
1x Lava Coral 850g 24s 0c
571g 91s 0c
Crafty Lava Coral
1x Lava Coral 850g 24s 0c
1049g 7s 0c
Potent Lava Coral
1x Lava Coral 850g 24s 0c
646g 86s 0c
Inscribed Lava Coral
1x Lava Coral 850g 24s 0c
228g 49s 0c
Polished Lava Coral
1x Lava Coral 850g 24s 0c
299g 76s 0c
Resolute Lava Coral
1x Lava Coral 850g 24s 0c
517g 8s 0c
Stalwart Lava Coral
1x Lava Coral 850g 24s 0c
-400g -49s 0c
Champion's Lava Coral
1x Lava Coral 850g 24s 0c
-650g -87s 0c
Deft Lava Coral
1x Lava Coral 850g 24s 0c
647g 10s 0c
Wicked Lava Coral
1x Lava Coral 850g 24s 0c
324g 32s 0c
Reckless Lava Coral
1x Lava Coral 850g 24s 0c
649g 88s 0c
Fierce Lava Coral
1x Lava Coral 850g 24s 0c
546g 76s 0c
Adept Lava Coral
1x Lava Coral 850g 24s 0c
4647g 76s 0c
Keen Lava Coral
1x Lava Coral 850g 24s 0c
647g 35s 0c
Artful Lava Coral
1x Lava Coral 850g 24s 0c
554g 35s 0c
Fine Lava Coral
1x Lava Coral 850g 24s 0c
262g 16s 0c
Skillful Lava Coral
1x Lava Coral 850g 24s 0c
450g 54s 0c
Lucent Lava Coral
1x Lava Coral 850g 24s 0c
-450g -81s 0c
Tenuous Lava Coral
1x Lava Coral 850g 24s 0c
171g 88s 0c
Willful Lava Coral
1x Lava Coral 850g 24s 0c
-350g -92s 0c
Splendid Lava Coral
1x Lava Coral 850g 24s 0c
-350g -63s 0c
Resplendent Lava Coral
1x Lava Coral 850g 24s 0c
-251g -77s 0c
Regal Jasper
1x Jasper 28g 0s 0c
12g 8s 0c
Nimble Jasper
1x Jasper 28g 0s 0c
-18g -38s 0c
Jagged Jasper
1x Jasper 28g 0s 0c
-24g -90s 0c
Piercing Jasper
1x Jasper 28g 0s 0c
-15g -49s 0c
Steady Jasper
1x Jasper 28g 0s 0c
-10g 0s 0c
Forceful Jasper
1x Jasper 28g 0s 0c
52g 65s 0c
Lightning Jasper
1x Jasper 28g 0s 0c
-3g -28s 0c
Puissant Jasper
1x Jasper 28g 0s 0c
-27g -55s 0c
Zen Jasper
1x Jasper 28g 0s 0c
-18g -40s 0c
Sensei's Jasper
1x Jasper 28g 0s 0c
-27g 0s 0c
Regal Dream Emerald
1x Dream Emerald 19g 50s 0c
-18g -50s 0c
Nimble Dream Emerald
1x Dream Emerald 19g 50s 0c
-12g -13s 0c
Jagged Dream Emerald
1x Dream Emerald 19g 50s 0c
-11g -62s 0c
Piercing Dream Emerald
1x Dream Emerald 19g 50s 0c
969g 75s 0c
Steady Dream Emerald
1x Dream Emerald 19g 50s 0c
497g 4s 0c
Forceful Dream Emerald
1x Dream Emerald 19g 50s 0c
-17g -52s 0c
Lightning Dream Emerald
1x Dream Emerald 19g 50s 0c
-12g -27s 0c
Puissant Dream Emerald
1x Dream Emerald 19g 50s 0c
14g 97s 0c
Zen Dream Emerald
1x Dream Emerald 19g 50s 0c
35g 18s 0c
Sensei's Dream Emerald
1x Dream Emerald 19g 50s 0c
-10g -50s 0c
Vivid Dream Emerald
1x Dream Emerald 19g 50s 0c
42g 79s 0c
Misty Elven Peridot
1x Elven Peridot 683g 10s 0c
7716g 54s 0c
Piercing Elven Peridot
1x Elven Peridot 683g 10s 0c
4815g 56s 0c
Lightning Elven Peridot
1x Elven Peridot 683g 10s 0c
6914g 59s 0c
Sensei's Elven Peridot
1x Elven Peridot 683g 10s 0c
3811g 16s 0c
Infused Elven Peridot
1x Elven Peridot 683g 10s 0c
1817g 85s 0c
Zen Elven Peridot
1x Elven Peridot 683g 10s 0c
1016g 15s 0c
Balanced Elven Peridot
1x Elven Peridot 683g 10s 0c
8132g 25s 0c
Vivid Elven Peridot
1x Elven Peridot 683g 10s 0c
1088g 78s 0c
Turbid Elven Peridot
1x Elven Peridot 683g 10s 0c
316g 1s 0c
Radiant Elven Peridot
1x Elven Peridot 683g 10s 0c
797g 56s 0c
Shattered Elven Peridot
1x Elven Peridot 683g 10s 0c
1815g 3s 0c
Energized Elven Peridot
1x Elven Peridot 683g 10s 0c
2314g 3s 0c
Jagged Elven Peridot
1x Elven Peridot 683g 10s 0c
7416g 24s 0c
Regal Elven Peridot
1x Elven Peridot 683g 10s 0c
1276g 73s 0c
Forceful Elven Peridot
1x Elven Peridot 683g 10s 0c
3401g 68s 0c
Nimble Elven Peridot
1x Elven Peridot 683g 10s 0c
4216g 83s 0c
Puissant Elven Peridot
1x Elven Peridot 683g 10s 0c
5314g 6s 0c
Steady Elven Peridot
1x Elven Peridot 683g 10s 0c
2817g 32s 0c
Austere Shadowspirit Diamond
1x Shadowspirit Diamond 299g 71s 0c
-129g -50s 0c
Bracing Shadowspirit Diamond
1x Shadowspirit Diamond 299g 71s 0c
222g 86s 0c
Chaotic Shadowspirit Diamond
1x Shadowspirit Diamond 299g 71s 0c
1211g 63s 0c
Destructive Shadowspirit Diamond
1x Shadowspirit Diamond 299g 71s 0c
136g 80s 0c
Effulgent Shadowspirit Diamond
1x Shadowspirit Diamond 299g 71s 0c
758g 74s 0c
Ember Shadowspirit Diamond
1x Shadowspirit Diamond 299g 71s 0c
-256g -71s 0c
Enigmatic Shadowspirit Diamond
1x Shadowspirit Diamond 299g 71s 0c
-256g -13s 0c
Eternal Shadowspirit Diamond
1x Shadowspirit Diamond 299g 71s 0c
76g 14s 0c
Fleet Shadowspirit Diamond
1x Shadowspirit Diamond 299g 71s 0c
3767g 23s 0c
Forlorn Shadowspirit Diamond
1x Shadowspirit Diamond 299g 71s 0c
217g 64s 0c
Impassive Shadowspirit Diamond
1x Shadowspirit Diamond 299g 71s 0c
-213g -54s 0c
Powerful Shadowspirit Diamond
1x Shadowspirit Diamond 299g 71s 0c
-100g -71s 0c
Revitalizing Shadowspirit Diamond
1x Shadowspirit Diamond 299g 71s 0c
-53g -21s 0c
Burning Shadowspirit Diamond
1x Shadowspirit Diamond 299g 71s 0c
-259g -86s 0c
Reverberating Shadowspirit Diamond
1x Shadowspirit Diamond 299g 71s 0c
-99g -73s 0c
Agile Shadowspirit Diamond
1x Shadowspirit Diamond 299g 71s 0c
-229g -47s 0c
Fire Prism
3x Carnelian 9g 0s 0c
3x Alicite 11g 0s 0c
3x Hessonite 34g 50s 0c
3x Jasper 28g 0s 0c
3x Nightstone 24g 50s 0c
3x Zephyrite 14g 84s 0c
1x Nightstone 24g 50s 0c
Jeweler's Amber Monocle
3x Amberjewel 14g 74s 0c
2x Elementium Bar 35g 0s 0c
50x Volatile Life 16g 48s 0c
-39g -24s 0c
Jeweler's Sapphire Monocle
3x Ocean Sapphire 22g 0s 0c
2x Elementium Bar 35g 0s 0c
50x Volatile Water 15g 0s 0c
225g 11s 0c
Jeweler's Ruby Monocle
3x Inferno Ruby 63g 94s 0c
2x Elementium Bar 35g 0s 0c
50x Volatile Fire 10g 90s 0c
292g 18s 0c
Rhinestone Sunglasses
2x Truegold 773g 57s 0c
2x Chimera's Eye 549g 0s 0c
8x Hypnotic Dust 13g 50s 0c
2x Dream Emerald 19g 50s 0c
125g 72s 0c
The Perforator
1x Amberjewel 14g 74s 0c
1x Demonseye 19g 80s 0c
1x Dream Emerald 19g 50s 0c
1x Ember Topaz 16g 49s 0c
1x Ocean Sapphire 22g 0s 0c
1x Inferno Ruby 63g 94s 0c
-56g -48s 0c
Carnelian Spikes
3x Carnelian 9g 0s 0c
3x Jeweler's Setting 2g 87s 0c
164g 38s 0c
Hessonite Band
1x Jeweler's Setting 2g 87s 0c
2x Hessonite 34g 50s 0c
13g 29s 0c
Jasper Ring
1x Jeweler's Setting 2g 87s 0c
1x Jasper 28g 0s 0c
18g 13s 0c
Elementium Destroyer's Ring
4x Elementium Bar 35g 0s 0c
4x Chimera's Eye 549g 0s 0c
4x Demonseye 19g 80s 0c
75x Volatile Air 16g 40s 0c
24835g 47s 0c
Elementium Moebius Band
4x Elementium Bar 35g 0s 0c
4x Chimera's Eye 549g 0s 0c
4x Dream Emerald 19g 50s 0c
75x Volatile Life 16g 48s 0c
6238615g 9s 0c
Ring of Warring Elements
4x Elementium Bar 35g 0s 0c
4x Chimera's Eye 549g 0s 0c
4x Ember Topaz 16g 49s 0c
75x Volatile Fire 10g 90s 0c
21780g 53s 0c
Band of Blades
4x Elementium Bar 35g 0s 0c
4x Chimera's Eye 549g 0s 0c
4x Demonseye 19g 80s 0c
75x Volatile Air 16g 40s 0c
45766g 80s 0c
Punisher's Band
4x Elementium Bar 35g 0s 0c
4x Chimera's Eye 549g 0s 0c
4x Amberjewel 14g 74s 0c
75x Volatile Earth 6g 93s 0c
46497g 29s 0c
Vicious Ruby Signet
18g 67s 0c
Vicious Amberjewel Band
56g 67s 0c
Vicious Sapphire Ring
15g 67s 0c
Alicite Pendant
1x Jeweler's Setting 2g 87s 0c
2x Alicite 11g 0s 0c
37g 5s 0c
Nightstone Choker
1x Jeweler's Setting 2g 87s 0c
2x Nightstone 24g 50s 0c
-44g -60s 0c
Brazen Elementium Medallion
4x Elementium Bar 35g 0s 0c
4x Chimera's Eye 549g 0s 0c
4x Amberjewel 14g 74s 0c
75x Volatile Water 15g 0s 0c
45892g 4s 0c
Elementium Guardian
4x Elementium Bar 35g 0s 0c
4x Chimera's Eye 549g 0s 0c
4x Ocean Sapphire 22g 0s 0c
75x Volatile Earth 6g 93s 0c
9997056g 24s 0c
Eye of Many Deaths
4x Elementium Bar 35g 0s 0c
4x Chimera's Eye 549g 0s 0c
4x Inferno Ruby 63g 94s 0c
75x Volatile Fire 10g 90s 0c
16590g 73s 0c
Entwined Elementium Choker
4x Elementium Bar 35g 0s 0c
4x Chimera's Eye 549g 0s 0c
4x Amberjewel 14g 74s 0c
75x Volatile Water 15g 0s 0c
4261503g 57s 0c
Vicious Ruby Choker
18g 67s 0c
Vicious Amberjewel Pendant
42g 67s 0c
Vicious Sapphire Necklace
180g 67s 0c
Cataclysm Prospecting
Cataclysm Crushing