Cooking Profession Profit Calculator

All Draenor recipes calculated based on US prices

Hearty Elekk Steak
5x Raw Elekk Meat 2g 75s 0c
-13g -80s 0c
Blackrock Ham
5x Raw Boar Meat 3g 54s 0c
-13g -77s 0c
Pan-Seared Talbuk
5x Raw Talbuk Meat 1g 27s 0c
-6g -91s 0c
Braised Riverbeast
5x Raw Riverbeast Meat 2g 86s 0c
-14g -5s 0c
Rylak Crepes
5x Rylak Egg 2g 70s 0c
-7g -15s 0c
Clefthoof Sausages
5x Raw Clefthoof Meat 8g 20s 0c
-40g -5s 0c
Fel Eggs and Ham
2x Fel Egg 90g 1s 0c
1x Fel Ham 2g 40s 0c
-163g -42s 0c
Feast of Blood
10x Raw Elekk Meat 2g 75s 0c
10x Raw Boar Meat 3g 54s 0c
10x Raw Talbuk Meat 1g 27s 0c
10x Raw Riverbeast Meat 2g 86s 0c
10x Rylak Egg 2g 70s 0c
10x Raw Clefthoof Meat 8g 20s 0c
-213g -20s 0c
Feast of the Waters
10x Sea Scorpion Segment 0g 15s 0c
10x Abyssal Gulper Eel Flesh 2g 49s 0c
10x Blind Lake Sturgeon Flesh 0g 15s 0c
10x Fat Sleeper Flesh 0g 18s 0c
10x Fire Ammonite Tentacle 0g 19s 0c
10x Jawless Skulker Flesh 0g 15s 0c
-32g -10s 0c
Steamed Scorpion
10x Sea Scorpion Segment 0g 15s 0c
-1g -88s 0c
Grilled Gulper
10x Abyssal Gulper Eel Flesh 2g 49s 0c
Sturgeon Stew
10x Blind Lake Sturgeon Flesh 0g 15s 0c
-1g -57s 0c
Fat Sleeper Cakes
10x Fat Sleeper Flesh 0g 18s 0c
-2g -51s 0c
Fiery Calamari
10x Fire Ammonite Tentacle 0g 19s 0c
-1g -43s 0c
Skulker Chowder
10x Jawless Skulker Flesh 0g 15s 0c
-2g -17s 0c
Saberfish Broth
5x Crescent Saberfish Flesh 3g 55s 0c
-18g -62s 0c
Grilled Saberfish
5x Crescent Saberfish Flesh 3g 55s 0c
-17g -91s 0c
Salty Squid Roll
12x Fire Ammonite Tentacle 0g 19s 0c
6x Crescent Saberfish Flesh 3g 55s 0c
-18g -76s 0c
Whiptail Fillet
12x Blackwater Whiptail Flesh 0g 20s 0c
6x Crescent Saberfish Flesh 3g 55s 0c
-23g -89s 0c
Sleeper Sushi
12x Fat Sleeper Flesh 0g 18s 0c
6x Crescent Saberfish Flesh 3g 55s 0c
-23g -97s 0c
Jumbo Sea Dog
12x Jawless Skulker Flesh 0g 15s 0c
6x Crescent Saberfish Flesh 3g 55s 0c
-21g -14s 0c
Buttered Sturgeon
12x Blind Lake Sturgeon Flesh 0g 15s 0c
6x Crescent Saberfish Flesh 3g 55s 0c
-14g -11s 0c
Pickled Eel
12x Abyssal Gulper Eel Flesh 2g 49s 0c
6x Crescent Saberfish Flesh 3g 55s 0c
-39g -54s 0c
Talador Surf and Turf
5x Hearty Elekk Steak 0g 95s 0c
5x Steamed Scorpion 0g 62s 0c
1x Talador Orchid 0g 90s 0c
-9g -46s 0c
Blackrock Barbecue
5x Blackrock Ham 4g 93s 0c
5x Grilled Gulper (untradeable)
1x Fireweed 0g 88s 0c
-26g -10s 0c
Frosty Stew
5x Pan-Seared Talbuk 0g 44s 0c
5x Sturgeon Stew 0g 93s 0c
1x Frostweed 0g 99s 0c
-8g -69s 0c
Sleeper Surprise
5x Braised Riverbeast 1g 25s 0c
5x Fat Sleeper Cakes 0g 29s 0c
1x Starflower 1g 0s 0c
-8g -97s 0c
Calamari Crepes
5x Rylak Crepes 7g 35s 0c
5x Fiery Calamari 1g 47s 0c
1x Nagrand Arrowbloom 1g 0s 0c
-45g -92s 0c
Gorgrond Chowder
5x Clefthoof Sausages 1g 95s 0c
5x Skulker Chowder 0g 33s 0c
1x Gorgrond Flytrap 0g 99s 0c
-13g -28s 0c