Leatherworking Profession Profit Calculator

All Northrend recipes calculated based on EU prices

Heavy Borean Leather
6x Borean Leather 2g 39s 0c
4g 91s 0c
Borean Leather
5x Borean Leather Scraps 0g 99s 0c
-3g -56s 0c
Icy Dragonscale
10x Icy Dragonscale Fragment 3g 90s 0c
-38g -67s 0c
Nerubian Chitin
10x Nerubian Chitin Fragment 49g 24s 0c
-448g -40s 0c
Jormungar Scale
10x Jormungar Scale Fragment (untradeable)
18g 48s 0c
Borean Armor Kit
4x Borean Leather 2g 39s 0c
-9g -76s 0c
Heavy Borean Armor Kit
4x Heavy Borean Leather 19g 25s 0c
-68g 0s 0c
Icescale Leg Armor
2x Arctic Fur 68g 0s 0c
2x Icy Dragonscale 1g 33s 0c
1x Frozen Orb 16g 76s 0c
-152g -47s 0c
Frosthide Leg Armor
2x Arctic Fur 68g 0s 0c
2x Nerubian Chitin 45g 0s 0c
1x Frozen Orb 16g 76s 0c
-236g -26s 0c
Nerubian Leg Armor
4x Heavy Borean Leather 19g 25s 0c
1x Nerubian Chitin 45g 0s 0c
-86g -55s 0c
Jormungar Leg Armor
3x Heavy Borean Leather 19g 25s 0c
12x Jormungar Scale 18g 48s 0c
-19g -47s 0c
Earthen Leg Armor
2x Arctic Fur 68g 0s 0c
4x Eternal Earth 2g 17s 0c
1x Frozen Orb 16g 76s 0c
-133g -7s 0c
Arctic Belt
10x Borean Leather 2g 39s 0c
299g 86s 0c
Frostscale Belt
8x Borean Leather 2g 39s 0c
-20g -11s 0c
Iceborne Belt
10x Borean Leather 2g 39s 0c
176g 10s 0c
Nerubian Belt
10x Borean Leather 2g 39s 0c
133g 0s 0c
Nightshock Girdle
10x Heavy Borean Leather 19g 25s 0c
2x Eternal Shadow 22g 77s 0c
-116g -67s 0c
Eviscerator's Waistguard
10x Heavy Borean Leather 19g 25s 0c
1x Eternal Air 24g 41s 0c
187g 89s 0c
Overcast Belt
10x Heavy Borean Leather 19g 25s 0c
1x Eternal Water 21g 0s 0c
685g 46s 0c
Swiftarrow Belt
10x Heavy Borean Leather 19g 25s 0c
1x Eternal Air 24g 41s 0c
110g 15s 0c
Stormhide Belt
10x Heavy Borean Leather 19g 25s 0c
1x Eternal Water 21g 0s 0c
44g 32s 0c
Trollwoven Girdle
10x Heavy Borean Leather 19g 25s 0c
5x Eternal Fire 24g 74s 0c
5x Eternal Shadow 22g 77s 0c
1x Frozen Orb 16g 76s 0c
-392g -48s 0c
Polar Cord
8x Heavy Borean Leather 19g 25s 0c
2x Eternal Fire 24g 74s 0c
2x Eternal Water 21g 0s 0c
4x Nerubian Chitin 45g 0s 0c
1x Frozen Orb 16g 76s 0c
462g 26s 0c
Icy Scale Belt
8x Heavy Borean Leather 19g 25s 0c
2x Eternal Fire 24g 74s 0c
2x Eternal Water 21g 0s 0c
4x Icy Dragonscale 1g 33s 0c
1x Frozen Orb 16g 76s 0c
382g 40s 0c
Belt of Dragons
985g 37s 0c
Blue Belt of Chaos
1899g 91s 0c
Death-warmed Belt
469g 84s 0c
Belt of Arctic Life
4x Heavy Borean Leather 19g 25s 0c
3x Arctic Fur 68g 0s 0c
159g 43s 0c
Arctic Boots
8x Borean Leather 2g 39s 0c
-17g -36s 0c
Black Chitinguard Boots
25x Nerubian Chitin 45g 0s 0c
6x Crystallized Water 2g 0s 0c
-637g -65s 0c
Frostscale Boots
10x Borean Leather 2g 39s 0c
26g 12s 0c
35x Icy Dragonscale 1g 33s 0c
-32g -32s 0c
Iceborne Boots
10x Borean Leather 2g 39s 0c
309g 10s 0c
35x Nerubian Chitin 45g 0s 0c
498g 73s 0c
Nerubian Boots
10x Borean Leather 2g 39s 0c
-9g -90s 0c
Scaled Icewalkers
30x Icy Dragonscale 1g 33s 0c
2x Crystallized Shadow 2g 3s 0c
5g 6s 0c
Jormscale Footpads
832g 65s 0c
Eviscerator's Treads
10x Heavy Borean Leather 19g 25s 0c
1x Eternal Air 24g 41s 0c
-87g -42s 0c
Overcast Boots
10x Heavy Borean Leather 19g 25s 0c
1x Eternal Water 21g 0s 0c
680g 54s 0c
Swiftarrow Boots
10x Heavy Borean Leather 19g 25s 0c
1x Eternal Air 24g 41s 0c
437g 70s 0c
Stormhide Stompers
10x Heavy Borean Leather 19g 25s 0c
1x Eternal Water 21g 0s 0c
475g 61s 0c
Revenant's Treads
10x Heavy Borean Leather 19g 25s 0c
10x Eternal Water 21g 0s 0c
1x Frozen Orb 16g 76s 0c
261g 18s 0c
Earthgiving Boots
10x Heavy Borean Leather 19g 25s 0c
5x Eternal Life 21g 0s 0c
5x Eternal Water 21g 0s 0c
1x Frozen Orb 16g 76s 0c
-64g -1s 0c
Polar Boots
8x Heavy Borean Leather 19g 25s 0c
2x Eternal Fire 24g 74s 0c
2x Eternal Water 21g 0s 0c
4x Nerubian Chitin 45g 0s 0c
1x Frozen Orb 16g 76s 0c
284g 37s 0c
Icy Scale Boots
8x Heavy Borean Leather 19g 25s 0c
2x Eternal Fire 24g 74s 0c
2x Eternal Water 21g 0s 0c
4x Icy Dragonscale 1g 33s 0c
1x Frozen Orb 16g 76s 0c
195g 56s 0c
Windripper Boots
10x Heavy Borean Leather 19g 25s 0c
5x Eternal Air 24g 41s 0c
5x Eternal Water 21g 0s 0c
1x Frozen Orb 16g 76s 0c
467g 74s 0c
Boots of Living Scale
1219g 63s 0c
Boots of Wintry Endurance
944g 2s 0c
Footpads of Silence
1997g 14s 0c
Lightning Grounded Boots
924g 55s 0c
Blessed Cenarion Boots
12x Jormungar Scale 18g 48s 0c
5x Arctic Fur 68g 0s 0c
10x Eternal Life 21g 0s 0c
5x Primordial Saronite 7g 22s 0c
-230g -35s 0c
Footpads of Impending Death
12x Nerubian Chitin 45g 0s 0c
8x Arctic Fur 68g 0s 0c
10x Eternal Shadow 22g 77s 0c
5x Primordial Saronite 7g 22s 0c
3151g 39s 0c
Earthsoul Boots
12x Icy Dragonscale 1g 33s 0c
5x Arctic Fur 68g 0s 0c
10x Eternal Air 24g 41s 0c
5x Primordial Saronite 7g 22s 0c
134g 80s 0c
Rock-Steady Treads
12x Icy Dragonscale 1g 33s 0c
8x Arctic Fur 68g 0s 0c
10x Eternal Earth 2g 17s 0c
5x Primordial Saronite 7g 22s 0c
5380g 76s 0c
Arctic Chestpiece
12x Borean Leather 2g 39s 0c
-29g -66s 0c
Dark Arctic Chestpiece
5x Heavy Borean Leather 19g 25s 0c
5x Crystallized Shadow 2g 3s 0c
-57g -37s 0c
Frostscale Chestguard
12x Borean Leather 2g 39s 0c
-29g -66s 0c
Dark Frostscale Breastplate
6x Heavy Borean Leather 19g 25s 0c
4x Crystallized Water 2g 0s 0c
-87g -50s 0c
Iceborne Chestguard
12x Borean Leather 2g 39s 0c
-29g -66s 0c
Dark Iceborne Chestguard
6x Heavy Borean Leather 19g 25s 0c
4x Crystallized Shadow 2g 3s 0c
269g 20s 0c
Nerubian Chestguard
12x Borean Leather 2g 39s 0c
52g 77s 0c
Dark Nerubian Chestpiece
6x Heavy Borean Leather 19g 25s 0c
4x Crystallized Water 2g 0s 0c
273g 7s 0c
Razorstrike Breastplate
15x Heavy Borean Leather 19g 25s 0c
1x Eternal Air 24g 41s 0c
-264g -16s 0c
Wildscale Breastplate
25x Heavy Borean Leather 19g 25s 0c
-81g -87s 0c
Eviscerator's Chestguard
12x Heavy Borean Leather 19g 25s 0c
1x Eternal Air 24g 41s 0c
593g 57s 0c
Overcast Chestguard
12x Heavy Borean Leather 19g 25s 0c
1x Eternal Water 21g 0s 0c
558g 1s 0c
Swiftarrow Hauberk
12x Heavy Borean Leather 19g 25s 0c
1x Eternal Air 24g 41s 0c
206g 63s 0c
Stormhide Hauberk
12x Heavy Borean Leather 19g 25s 0c
1x Eternal Water 21g 0s 0c
402g 69s 0c
Revenant's Breastplate
12x Heavy Borean Leather 19g 25s 0c
12x Eternal Water 21g 0s 0c
1x Frozen Orb 16g 76s 0c
-187g -97s 0c
Polar Vest
10x Heavy Borean Leather 19g 25s 0c
3x Eternal Fire 24g 74s 0c
3x Eternal Water 21g 0s 0c
8x Nerubian Chitin 45g 0s 0c
1x Frozen Orb 16g 76s 0c
404g 52s 0c
Icy Scale Chestguard
10x Heavy Borean Leather 19g 25s 0c
3x Eternal Fire 24g 74s 0c
3x Eternal Water 21g 0s 0c
8x Icy Dragonscale 1g 33s 0c
1x Frozen Orb 16g 76s 0c
143g 11s 0c
Ensorcelled Nerubian Breastplate
40x Nerubian Chitin 45g 0s 0c
8x Eternal Air 24g 41s 0c
8x Greater Cosmic Essence 0g 50s 0c
8x Arctic Fur 68g 0s 0c
8x Crusader Orb 1g 92s 0c
-590g -44s 0c
Knightbane Carapace
24x Heavy Borean Leather 19g 25s 0c
20x Eternal Shadow 22g 77s 0c
8x Arctic Fur 68g 0s 0c
8x Crusader Orb 1g 92s 0c
464g 26s 0c
Lunar Eclipse Robes
24x Heavy Borean Leather 19g 25s 0c
20x Eternal Life 21g 0s 0c
8x Arctic Fur 68g 0s 0c
8x Crusader Orb 1g 92s 0c
910g 83s 0c
Crusader's Dragonscale Breastplate
40x Icy Dragonscale 1g 33s 0c
8x Eternal Water 21g 0s 0c
8x Eternal Life 21g 0s 0c
8x Arctic Fur 68g 0s 0c
8x Crusader Orb 1g 92s 0c
2929g 6s 0c
Ensorcelled Nerubian Breastplate
40x Nerubian Chitin 45g 0s 0c
8x Eternal Air 24g 41s 0c
8x Greater Cosmic Essence 0g 50s 0c
8x Arctic Fur 68g 0s 0c
8x Crusader Orb 1g 92s 0c
-590g -44s 0c
Knightbane Carapace
24x Heavy Borean Leather 19g 25s 0c
20x Eternal Shadow 22g 77s 0c
8x Arctic Fur 68g 0s 0c
8x Crusader Orb 1g 92s 0c
464g 26s 0c
Lunar Eclipse Robes
24x Heavy Borean Leather 19g 25s 0c
20x Eternal Life 21g 0s 0c
8x Arctic Fur 68g 0s 0c
8x Crusader Orb 1g 92s 0c
910g 83s 0c
Crusader's Dragonscale Breastplate
40x Icy Dragonscale 1g 33s 0c
8x Eternal Water 21g 0s 0c
8x Eternal Life 21g 0s 0c
8x Arctic Fur 68g 0s 0c
8x Crusader Orb 1g 92s 0c
2929g 6s 0c
Arctic Leggings
12x Borean Leather 2g 39s 0c
233g 0s 0c
Dark Arctic Leggings
6x Heavy Borean Leather 19g 25s 0c
4x Crystallized Shadow 2g 3s 0c
269g 20s 0c
Frostscale Leggings
12x Borean Leather 2g 39s 0c
190g 49s 0c
Dark Frostscale Leggings
4x Heavy Borean Leather 19g 25s 0c
5x Crystallized Water 2g 0s 0c
-86g -58s 0c
Iceborne Leggings
12x Borean Leather 2g 39s 0c
29g 92s 0c
Dark Iceborne Leggings
4x Heavy Borean Leather 19g 25s 0c
5x Crystallized Shadow 2g 3s 0c
112g 87s 0c
Nerubian Legguards
8x Borean Leather 2g 39s 0c
155g 36s 0c
Dark Nerubian Leggings
4x Heavy Borean Leather 19g 25s 0c
5x Crystallized Water 2g 0s 0c
197g 16s 0c
Leggings of Visceral Strikes
12x Heavy Borean Leather 19g 25s 0c
2x Eternal Air 24g 41s 0c
475g 87s 0c
Eviscerator's Legguards
12x Heavy Borean Leather 19g 25s 0c
1x Eternal Air 24g 41s 0c
66g 0s 0c
Overcast Leggings
12x Heavy Borean Leather 19g 25s 0c
1x Eternal Water 21g 0s 0c
558g 1s 0c
Swiftarrow Leggings
12x Heavy Borean Leather 19g 25s 0c
1x Eternal Air 24g 41s 0c
740g 22s 0c
Stormhide Legguards
12x Heavy Borean Leather 19g 25s 0c
1x Eternal Water 21g 0s 0c
-79g -36s 0c
Giantmaim Legguards
12x Heavy Borean Leather 19g 25s 0c
6x Eternal Water 21g 0s 0c
6x Eternal Air 24g 41s 0c
1x Frozen Orb 16g 76s 0c
-303g -63s 0c
Earthgiving Legguards
12x Heavy Borean Leather 19g 25s 0c
6x Eternal Life 21g 0s 0c
6x Eternal Water 21g 0s 0c
1x Frozen Orb 16g 76s 0c
98g 80s 0c
Windripper Leggings
12x Heavy Borean Leather 19g 25s 0c
6x Eternal Air 24g 41s 0c
6x Eternal Water 21g 0s 0c
1x Frozen Orb 16g 76s 0c
-287g -42s 0c
Legwraps of Unleashed Nature
20x Jormungar Scale 18g 48s 0c
8x Arctic Fur 68g 0s 0c
16x Eternal Life 21g 0s 0c
8x Primordial Saronite 7g 22s 0c
-106g -3s 0c
Bladeborn Leggings
20x Nerubian Chitin 45g 0s 0c
8x Arctic Fur 68g 0s 0c
16x Eternal Shadow 22g 77s 0c
8x Primordial Saronite 7g 22s 0c
4738g 59s 0c
Lightning-Infused Leggings
20x Icy Dragonscale 1g 33s 0c
8x Arctic Fur 68g 0s 0c
16x Eternal Air 24g 41s 0c
8x Primordial Saronite 7g 22s 0c
482g 35s 0c
Draconic Bonesplinter Legguards
20x Icy Dragonscale 1g 33s 0c
8x Arctic Fur 68g 0s 0c
16x Eternal Earth 2g 17s 0c
8x Primordial Saronite 7g 22s 0c
2138g 36s 0c
Arctic Gloves
10x Borean Leather 2g 39s 0c
-22g -64s 0c
Frostscale Gloves
10x Borean Leather 2g 39s 0c
170g 82s 0c
Iceborne Gloves
8x Borean Leather 2g 39s 0c
131g 23s 0c
Nerubian Gloves
12x Borean Leather 2g 39s 0c
-29g -67s 0c
Seafoam Gauntlets
10x Heavy Borean Leather 19g 25s 0c
2x Eternal Water 21g 0s 0c
465g 51s 0c
Eviscerator's Gauntlets
10x Heavy Borean Leather 19g 25s 0c
1x Eternal Air 24g 41s 0c
281g 74s 0c
Overcast Handwraps
10x Heavy Borean Leather 19g 25s 0c
1x Eternal Water 21g 0s 0c
-211g -38s 0c
Swiftarrow Gauntlets
10x Heavy Borean Leather 19g 25s 0c
1x Eternal Air 24g 41s 0c
254g 81s 0c
Stormhide Grips
10x Heavy Borean Leather 19g 25s 0c
1x Eternal Water 21g 0s 0c
475g 61s 0c
Arctic Shoulderpads
10x Borean Leather 2g 39s 0c
-14g -90s 0c
Frostscale Shoulders
10x Borean Leather 2g 39s 0c
-24g -88s 0c
Iceborne Shoulderpads
10x Borean Leather 2g 39s 0c
-9g -90s 0c
Nerubian Shoulders
10x Borean Leather 2g 39s 0c
-14g -88s 0c
Virulent Spaulders
12x Heavy Borean Leather 19g 25s 0c
2x Eternal Fire 24g 74s 0c
477g 6s 0c
Purehorn Spaulders
30x Nerubian Chitin 45g 0s 0c
-770g -33s 0c
Eviscerator's Shoulderpads
10x Heavy Borean Leather 19g 25s 0c
1x Eternal Air 24g 41s 0c
-5g -26s 0c
Overcast Spaulders
10x Heavy Borean Leather 19g 25s 0c
1x Eternal Water 21g 0s 0c
319g 25s 0c
Swiftarrow Shoulderguards
10x Heavy Borean Leather 19g 25s 0c
1x Eternal Air 24g 41s 0c
47g 59s 0c
Stormhide Shoulders
10x Heavy Borean Leather 19g 25s 0c
1x Eternal Water 21g 0s 0c
256g 50s 0c
Trollwoven Spaulders
10x Heavy Borean Leather 19g 25s 0c
6x Eternal Fire 24g 74s 0c
6x Eternal Shadow 22g 77s 0c
1x Frozen Orb 16g 76s 0c
431g 54s 0c
Arctic Wristguards
12x Borean Leather 2g 39s 0c
-28g -68s 0c
Frostscale Bracers
12x Borean Leather 2g 39s 0c
-28g -68s 0c
Iceborne Wristguards
12x Borean Leather 2g 39s 0c
-28g -68s 0c
Nerubian Bracers
12x Borean Leather 2g 39s 0c
-28g -68s 0c
Eaglebane Bracers
40x Icy Dragonscale 1g 33s 0c
-24g -15s 0c
Eviscerator's Bindings
8x Heavy Borean Leather 19g 25s 0c
1x Eternal Air 24g 41s 0c
100g 75s 0c
Overcast Bracers
8x Heavy Borean Leather 19g 25s 0c
1x Eternal Water 21g 0s 0c
-173g -39s 0c
Swiftarrow Bracers
8x Heavy Borean Leather 19g 25s 0c
1x Eternal Air 24g 41s 0c
124g 81s 0c
Stormhide Wristguards
8x Heavy Borean Leather 19g 25s 0c
1x Eternal Water 21g 0s 0c
201g 14s 0c
Giantmaim Bracers
10x Heavy Borean Leather 19g 25s 0c
5x Eternal Water 21g 0s 0c
5x Eternal Air 24g 41s 0c
1x Frozen Orb 16g 76s 0c
396g 69s 0c
Black Chitin Bracers
15414g 68s 0c
Bracers of Swift Death
20x Heavy Borean Leather 19g 25s 0c
12x Eternal Shadow 22g 77s 0c
6x Arctic Fur 68g 0s 0c
4x Crusader Orb 1g 92s 0c
1883g 56s 0c
Moonshadow Armguards
20x Heavy Borean Leather 19g 25s 0c
12x Eternal Life 21g 0s 0c
6x Arctic Fur 68g 0s 0c
4x Crusader Orb 1g 92s 0c
2691g 87s 0c
Crusader's Dragonscale Bracers
40x Icy Dragonscale 1g 33s 0c
8x Eternal Water 21g 0s 0c
6x Arctic Fur 68g 0s 0c
4x Crusader Orb 1g 92s 0c
2355g 75s 0c
Moonshadow Armguards
20x Heavy Borean Leather 19g 25s 0c
12x Eternal Life 21g 0s 0c
6x Arctic Fur 68g 0s 0c
4x Crusader Orb 1g 92s 0c
2691g 87s 0c
Bracers of Swift Death
20x Heavy Borean Leather 19g 25s 0c
12x Eternal Shadow 22g 77s 0c
6x Arctic Fur 68g 0s 0c
4x Crusader Orb 1g 92s 0c
1883g 56s 0c
Black Chitin Bracers
15414g 68s 0c
Crusader's Dragonscale Bracers
40x Icy Dragonscale 1g 33s 0c
8x Eternal Water 21g 0s 0c
6x Arctic Fur 68g 0s 0c
4x Crusader Orb 1g 92s 0c
2355g 75s 0c
Cloak of Tormented Skies
6x Heavy Borean Leather 19g 25s 0c
5x Crystallized Air 0g 54s 0c
5x Crystallized Water 2g 0s 0c
60g 47s 0c
Cloak of Harsh Winds
16x Borean Leather 2g 39s 0c
4x Crystallized Air 0g 54s 0c
140g 85s 0c
Ice Striker's Cloak
2x Arctic Fur 68g 0s 0c
6x Eternal Fire 24g 74s 0c
4x Eternal Shadow 22g 77s 0c
1x Frozen Orb 16g 76s 0c
-318g -25s 0c
Durable Nerubhide Cape
2x Arctic Fur 68g 0s 0c
40x Nerubian Chitin 45g 0s 0c
1x Frozen Orb 16g 76s 0c
-1120g -61s 0c
Arctic Helm
14x Borean Leather 2g 39s 0c
-1g -46s 0c
Frostscale Helm
14x Borean Leather 2g 39s 0c
-6g -44s 0c
Iceborne Helm
14x Borean Leather 2g 39s 0c
-1g -46s 0c
Nerubian Helm
14x Borean Leather 2g 39s 0c
-1g -46s 0c
Nightshock Hood
14x Heavy Borean Leather 19g 25s 0c
2x Eternal Shadow 22g 77s 0c
-266g -2s 0c
Eviscerator's Facemask
12x Heavy Borean Leather 19g 25s 0c
1x Eternal Air 24g 41s 0c
-34g -90s 0c
Overcast Headguard
12x Heavy Borean Leather 19g 25s 0c
1x Eternal Water 21g 0s 0c
558g 1s 0c
Swiftarrow Helm
12x Heavy Borean Leather 19g 25s 0c
1x Eternal Air 24g 41s 0c
39g 27s 0c
Stormhide Crown
12x Heavy Borean Leather 19g 25s 0c
1x Eternal Water 21g 0s 0c
107g 28s 0c
Trapper's Traveling Pack
8x Heavy Borean Leather 19g 25s 0c
-149g -99s 0c
Mammoth Mining Bag
8x Heavy Borean Leather 19g 25s 0c
146g 99s 0c
Pack of Endless Pockets
8x Heavy Borean Leather 19g 25s 0c
46g 66s 0c
Drums of Forgotten Kings
8x Heavy Borean Leather 19g 25s 0c
8x Icy Dragonscale 1g 33s 0c
-109g -88s 0c
Drums of the Wild
8x Heavy Borean Leather 19g 25s 0c
8x Jormungar Scale 18g 48s 0c
-247g -8s 0c
Relic of the Past I
5x Borean Leather 2g 39s 0c
1x Curing Salt 10g 0s 0c
-20g -95s 0c
Relic of the Past II
5x Borean Leather 2g 39s 0c
2x Curing Salt 10g 0s 0c
-22g -95s 0c
Relic of the Past III
6x Borean Leather 2g 39s 0c
3x Curing Salt 10g 0s 0c
-4g -34s 0c
Relic of the Past IV
6x Heavy Borean Leather 19g 25s 0c
8x Curing Salt 10g 0s 0c
-167g -9s 0c
Relic of the Past V
7x Heavy Borean Leather 19g 25s 0c
12x Curing Salt 10g 0s 0c
-239g -98s 0c