
Why we use Battle.net login

We use Battle.net login to let you access our features without needing a separate account. This means we don’t have to store sensitive information like your email or password. By using Battle.net, we rely on a trusted service that handles the security of your login details, so you don’t have to worry about us keeping your personal info safe—we never even touch it.

Features requiring login

Logging in with Battle.net allows us to offer personalized features, such as saving your notes, enabling private modes, and managing group memberships. To provide these features, we need a way to uniquely identify each user, which requires some kind of login system. We chose Battle.net because all our users likely have a Battle.net account, and it provides a secure way to manage authentication. This system also ensures that no one can get unauthorized access to other users' notes or data, maintaining privacy and security.

What we access from your Battle.net account

When you log in, we request access to your WoW profile. This allows us to see details about your World of Warcraft characters. In the future, we might add features that automatically import your characters or provide personalized insights based on them. Battle.net allows you to disable the profile scope, but our site requires it. If you don't approve it, you won't be able to use the site.

We also promise that we will never start fetching information about your WoW characters and account without you specifically initiating this. The first time we fetch any character information, you will be informed and given the choice whether you want to proceed. We will not do so unprompted.

How we keep your data safe

By choosing to use Battle.net login, your email and password are never stored on our site. Instead, Battle.net gives us a special code that tells us who you are. This code is stored safely in your browser and can’t be accessed by anyone else, even if our site were to be compromised. This makes it a much safer option compared to creating a new account with us.

We also don’t plan to support other login methods or create our own accounts. This decision is made to ensure your security and privacy remain protected. By using a system that’s already trusted and secure, we minimize the risk of data breaches or information leaks.

Additionally, our site is based in the EU and governed by Dutch and European laws, which are incredibly stringent. These laws ensure that we adhere to strict data protection regulations. If we were found to be lying about our practices, we could face serious legal issues and large fines. The Netherlands takes these matters very seriously.

Our commitment to your privacy

We know that your privacy is important. That’s why we chose a login system that doesn’t require us to handle sensitive information. We only store a unique identifier and your Battle.net tag, which helps us recognize you without knowing any personal details.

If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know. We are here to ensure that your experience is safe, secure, and enjoyable.