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Auction House - TW

Welcome to the most comprehensive Auction House for the TW region. Here, you can find the best deals and track market trends.

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Most Profitable Items to Flip

Item NameBuyoutHistorical Median PricePotential ProfitRealm
Smelly's Luckydo500.51 gold7.73 million gold6.18 million goldSkywall
Blackrock Bulwark150.00k gold2.86 million gold2.14 million goldSkywall
Pattern: Living Breastplate80.00k gold2.70 million gold2.08 million goldDragonmaw
Lovely Cake Slice5 gold2.38 million gold1.90 million goldTW (Commodity)
Disgusting Oozeling300.00k gold2.13 million gold1.41 million goldShadowmoon
Hearthstone Game Table80.00k gold1.02 million gold733.97k goldSkywall
Brumdysla, Hammer of Vrorsk49.10k gold741.39k gold544.01k goldDragonmaw
Helm of the Tranquil Path10.00k gold568.36k gold444.69k goldSkywall
Razorfin Helm100.00k gold658.44k gold426.75k goldSkywall