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Auction House - TW

Welcome to the most comprehensive Auction House for the TW region. Here, you can find the best deals and track market trends.

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Most Profitable Items to Flip

Item NameBuyoutHistorical Median PricePotential ProfitRealm
Hearthstone Game Table90.00k gold1.04 million gold743.21k goldSkywall
Damp Doll500.01 gold724.26k gold578.91k goldTW (Commodity)
Waterlogged Zandalari Journal3.33k gold577.86k gold458.96k goldDragonmaw
Arachnaflame Treads60.00k gold633.85k gold447.08k goldSkywall
Hanzo Sword30.00k gold572.94k gold428.35k goldShadowmoon
Razorfin Helm100.00k gold629.41k gold403.53k goldSkywall
Razorfin Helm100.00k gold629.41k gold403.53k goldSkywall
Helm of the Tranquil Path45.00k gold545.35k gold391.28k goldShadowmoon
Hanzo Sword88.00k gold572.94k gold370.35k goldDragonmaw
Dark Shawl of the Enlightened3.00k gold455.16k gold361.13k goldSkywall