WoW Gold Making Guide

Farming Patterns and Recipes in Sunwell Plateau








Raid Farming


To farm patterns and recipes in Sunwell Plateau, enter the raid and pull all the mobs in the starting gardens. After clearing the mobs in the gardens, move to the upper platform and clear everything there. Once cleared, reset the raid and repeat the process.

This method is a good way for obtaining various patterns and recipes required for crafting transmog items or crafting achievements added in Dragonflight 10.1.7. A fast sweep can be completed in about 3 minutes, but while starting out doing runs in 5 minutes is a more reasonable assumption.


  • Enter Sunwell Plateau.
  • Pull and clear all mobs in the starting gardens.
  • Move to the upper platform and clear all mobs there.
  • Reset the raid and repeat.

Ensure you are efficiently pulling and clearing the mobs, you can pull a very large amount of mobs at once.

Expected Outcomes

You can expect to farm approximately 12 runs per hour, with each run taking around 5 minutes. Each run drops Sunmotes and has a chance to drop various patterns and recipes required for transmog crafting and achievements. Furthermore random transmog items that are tradeable on the auction house and vendor trash will drop. We have assumed this to be worth around 1000g per sweep for this guide. But this is likely higher in reality.


  • Level 70+ (recommended)
  • Multiple characters (optional)