WoW Gold Making Guide

Fishing for Awoken Coelacanth in Azj-Kahet










This guide is for fishing Awoken Coelacanth in Azj-Kahet, specifically below the Weaver's Lair. This spot is ideal because there are no hostile mobs around, allowing for uninterrupted fishing. This guide will be updated with new information as more testing is done.

Requirements and Tips

To fish for Awoken Coelacanth, you'll need Whispering Stargazers, which are used to get the Awoken Coelacanth to spawn, you need to use 10 then you get a buff for 5 minutes to catch a Coelacanth. After doing so you lose the buff and need to throw another 10. You can also catch other fish and rare items while fishing. It's recommended to have a high fishing skill, which you can level up in any random place in the new 'The War Within' zones. This takes about 3 hours. You should definitely use the Better Fishing addon, as it can help make this process easier.

Additionally, having a fishing tool and choosing to enchant it can increase your chances of success. There's a fishing derby every Saturday where you can win a special fishing pole. Other buffs are available but aren't mandatory for this guide.

Farming Location

Fish below the Weaver's Lair in Azj-Kahet. This location is safe with no hostile mobs, making it perfect for a relaxed fishing experience.

Drops and Estimations

If you're fishing in a relaxed manner, you can expect to catch the following per hour:

  • 40 Awoken Coelacanth
  • 50 Goldengill Trout
  • 60 Nibbling Minnow
  • 15 Roaring Anglerseeker
  • 15 Pale Huskfish

These estimates take into account the time spent buying Whispering Stargazers. You might also catch rare transmog items, blue items, and other things like Darkmoon cards. These aren't included in the gold per hour of this guide, but they can help offset the costs and time spent buying Stargazers. If you're focused, you might achieve better rates than listed here.


  • High fishing skill level (can be leveled in any place in 'The War Within')
  • Whispering Stargazers (to spawn Awoken Coelacanth)
  • Fishing tool and optional enchantments
  • Better Fishing addon (recommended)
  • Participation in the Saturday fishing derby for a special fishing pole (optional)