WoW Gold Making Guide

Herbalism Farming in Ringing Deeps








Open World Farming


This guide is for herbalism farming in the Ringing Deeps, focusing on early expansion routes and yields in 'The War Within'. As the expansion progresses and more profession knowledge becomes available, this guide will be updated to reflect the best practices and routes.

Profession Explanation

For the best results in herbalism farming, we recommend using a Druid due to their ability to gather herbs while in travel form. You should also spec into the Botany specialization in the herbalism profession tree to maximize your yield. If you are not a Druid, you will need to spec into Bountiful Harvests to be able to perform herbalism from a mount. Note that until you obtain this ability, your rates will be severely impacted.

Farming Location

The farming route involves a large circular path through the Ringing Deeps. Make sure to gather all herbs you come across along this path. The exact route may vary depending on spawn rates and the number of players farming in the area, so be prepared to adapt as needed.

Drops and Estimations

Below are the estimated herb yields based on early expansion data. These numbers may change as more information becomes available and more players refine their farming routes and methods.

  • 80 Blessing Blossom Rank 1
  • 10 Blessing Blossom Rank 2
  • 10 Orbinid Rank 1
  • 25 Luredrop Rank 1
  • 10 Luredrop Rank 2
  • 100 Mycobloom Rank 1
  • 5 Mycobloom Rank 2
  • 45 Arathor's Spear Rank 1
  • 35 Crystalline Powder
  • 30 Leyline Residue
  • 2 Viridescent Spores
  • 5 Writhing Sample


  • Druid with Botany specialization for maximum efficiency
  • Non-Druid characters require Bountiful Harvests to gather herbs from a mount